Commissioner for Human Rights

CHR at the National Federation of Polish Non-Governmental Organisations(OFOP) 20th anniversary


Commissioner for Human Rights attended the National Federation of Polish Non-Governmental Organisations(OFOP) 20th anniversary and the convention of  the “Our Ombudsman” Initiative. 
The social organisations affiliated to OFOP celebrate 20 years of activity for the third sector. On this occasion, Commissioner Marcin Wiącek took part in the congress of the “Our Ombudsman” Initiative. In his opening speech, the Commissioner thanked the 127 NGOs that make up the Initiative for their commitment and stressed that it was thanks to them that he had learned about many of the difficulties faced by people with disabilities. He also referred to the situation of women, the controversial abortion ruling, the challenges on the Polish-Belarusian border and the situation in Ukraine. He also announced that he would continue his efforts against LGBT-free zones in Poland. He thanked the organisations for helping citizens access public information and for informing them about how to petition the authorities.
The ”Our Ombudsman” Imitative is an informal group of organisations supporting the independence of the Commissioner. It has  been cooperating with the Office of the Commissioner since 2022.
