Commissioner for Human Rights

Newsletter Commissioner for Human Rights 16 - 22 January 2017

Newsletter 16 - 22 January 2017


The CHR’s application regarding support to sick persons affected by the homelessness crisis

The amendment of the regulations on social assistance has resulted in a situation in which shelters for the homeless may accept only persons capable of self-care, whose health condition poses no risk to health and lives of other residents of the facility. Rigorous application of the principle may hamper the provision of effective assistance to homeless persons, which is particularly dangerous during periods of frost. The CHR intervened in the matter before the Minister of Family, Social Policy and Labour [more].

The Commissioner requests the Commander of Warsaw Metropolitan Police to publish, via the Internet, photographs of persons who on 16 December 2016 took part in the demonstration in front of the Parliament building [more].



The CHR is drawing up a position on the second Act amending the Act on retirement benefits for persons serving in the state uniform services and intelligence services under the former political system; the CHR analyses the opinions of citizens who write about how the new act will reduce their pensions for service under the former system [more].

A woman with intellectual disability has been sanctioned for stealing two candies worth 60 groszy. The CHR intervenes [more].

The CHR submits a cassation appeal against the dismissal of an action filed by a citizen who was refused nomination to the position of a judge [more].

The Commissioner intervenes in the case of a single mother who moved into a vacant flat [more].

If I have no TV subscriber ID number, why do I have to pay the TV subscription? – asks a citizen [more].

At the request of residents of Siemianowice Śląskie, the CHR intervenes in the case of a dangerous road within a housing estate [more].

The Commissioner inquires about healthcare programmes (including the in vitro programme) implemented by local governments [more].


The CHR’s legal question to the Supreme Court regarding penalties for failure to pay alimony [more].

The Minister of Infrastructure and Construction accepts the CHR’s arguments relating to the legislation on the protection of tenants against eviction [more].

The CHR proposes again to amend the so-called February Act. The issue concerns the annulment of court judgements imposing penalties on persons persecuted for activities to maintain the independence of the Polish State [more].

The Commissioner writes to the Minister of Justice with regard to legislation on maintaining contacts between parents and their children [more].

The principles and practice of applying direct force against mentally ill persons in prisons and detention centres should be improved, stated the CHR [more].

Irregularities in the entry of associations into the National Court Register? The CHR intervenes before the Government Plenipotentiary for Civil Society and Equal Treatment [more].

The Commissioner on the legality of video surveillance at healthcare facilities [more].

The CHR’s legal question to the Supreme Court with regard to parole [more].


Safety of patients: legislation and practice. An expert seminar at the CHR Office [more].

The 5th debate of the Regional National Preventive Mechanism was held in Wrocław [more].

The CHR met with the chairman of the Independent Self-Governing Trade Union of Police Officers [more].

A seminar for judges: the CHR spoke about key issues relating to the protection of human rights [more].

A letter of polemics, relating to the article by Professor Piotr Nowak „Lekcje z wariatem”, published in the Rzeczpospolita „Plus Minus” magazine [more].



The website contains a calendar of the upcoming meetings with the Commissioner for Human Rights and of events held under his patronage.

Information about the Commissioner’s work on cases relating to citizens’ issues is available under the “What we do” tab. An interactive map indicates cases in which the Commissioner has intervened.