Commissioner for Human Rights

Newsletter Commissioner for Human Rights in Poland 6 - 10 May 2019

The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights is one of the most important human rights instruments that has ever been established at the regional level. It defines values that are unquestionable, as states one of the opening theses of the scientific conference held on 10 - 11 May at the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights. (more)

The 70 anniversary of the Council of Europe, of implementing the ideas of human rights and democracy. The Council of Europe, the oldest intergovernmental organization on the European continent was established on 5 May 1949. (more)

Maciej Taborowski, PhD, has been appointed a new Deputy Commissioner for Human Rights. (more)

Polling stations need to be better adjusted to the needs of voters with disabilities, wrote the CHR to the government officials. (more)


The CHR’s inquiry about the grounds for state authorities’ actions regarding Elżbieta Podleśna. (more)

The matter of judge Czubieniak: in reply to the CHR’s letter of intervention, judges’ disciplinary representative judge Schab explained that the case of Mr Czubieniak is examined to make sure the competences of the new Supreme Court judges cannot be questioned. (more)

About the detained  and temporarily arrested businessmen: a meeting at the Lewiatan confederation of employers. (more)

The CHR’s further comments concerning the Penal Code amendments. (more)


What is the advancement stage of the modernization of toilet facilities and baths in prisons? (more)

A prisoner to whom a pass has been granted to leave the prison to attend a funeral of his relative is sometimes informed at the last moment that he may be transported there only by a prison service convoy, in the prison clothes and cuffs. The CHR repeats again that the terms on which the pass is granted should be clearly determined in advance, at the time when the pass is issued. (more)

The case of Agnieszka Pysz – what psychological assistance is provided to a prisoner after a tragic death of his cel inmate? The CHR writes to the Head of the National Prison Service again. (more)


The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights - 15 years after Poland’s accession to the European Union: Adam Bodnar’s lecture during the British Law Centre’s diploma award ceremony. (more)

The CHR about freedom and civic society – on the internet, at the invitation of Facebook. (more)